Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jesuit Coincidences 1

7:30 A.M., August 6, 2008

After receiving absolution from a very kindly secular priest (not affiliated with any religious clergy, i.e. diocesan priest) who always gives me practical advice on how to deal with my weaknesses and failures, I suddenly realized how through the years, his approach on life's problems is very similar to Ignatian spirituality.

Then it occurred to me, that my confessor, to whom I shared my problems through the three years I have been going to their parish for confession, is actually Jesuit-trained.

1:08 A.M., August 7, 2008

Logged into the Philippine Jesuits website. Then I see it: today is a special day for Jesuits, it is today in 1814 that the Society was restored after its suppression 41 years prior.

Oh, Ignatius, for the love of God, meddle with me further!

+ Ad majorem Dei gloriam!


Sanctus Ignatiae Loyolis, ora pro nobis.


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