I had long meditated on these three vows that almost all religious orders profess at the start of their religious journey (a possible exception are the Dominicans, who only profess obedience, while believing that the other two will spring from it).
Being only human and only in the stage of discerning my vocation, I can only pray that these vows I may be able to practice in my current state of life.
POVERTY. I am slowly praying that God may give me the willingness to sacrifice not only my time and resources, but my whole life, as well, for the good of others and that of God's will.
CHASTITY. Being single and male, God has implanted within me innate urges that I am trying to control, notwithstanding how other people seemingly disregard the importance of chastity today. Encountering scenes of sexual violence and meeting people with such "liberated" views about the marriage act is something challenging for me. But I pray that through the example of the saints that I have revered and honored through the years, I may be able to find the grace of purity, and eventually, if God wills, priestly celibacy.
OBEDIENCE. For now, as a medical student my call is to respond well to the needs of my patients. As a teacher my call is to teach well, to instruct prudently my students' mistakes and remind them of a higher Power that is guiding us all. As a writer my call is to preach through my words the Love that such an awe-inspiring Passion has made possible.
For now all I can pledge with my heart is the willingness to serve the Lord, and the ardent desire to follow Him in the way He wants me to. But the only question that remains is how. As a friend in the Dominican Order once told me, only God knows, "why."
Will God give me the grace to pronounce these vows before His earthly Presence in the Eucharist?
Almighty and eternal God, I (name), though altogether most unworthy in your divine sight, yet relying on your infinite goodness and mercy and moved with a desire of serving you, in the presence of the most Holy Virgin Mary and your whole heavenly court, vow to Your Divine Majesty perpetual poverty, chastity and obedience in the Society of Jesus; and I promise that I shall enter the same Society in order to lead my entire life in it, understanding all things according to its Constitutions.
Therefore I suppliantly beg Your Immense Goodness and Clemency, through the blood of Jesus Christ, to deign to receive this holocaust in an odor of sweetness; and that just as you gave me the grace to desire and offer this, so you will also bestow on me abundant grace to fulfill it.
Therefore I suppliantly beg Your Immense Goodness and Clemency, through the blood of Jesus Christ, to deign to receive this holocaust in an odor of sweetness; and that just as you gave me the grace to desire and offer this, so you will also bestow on me abundant grace to fulfill it.
Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez, pray for us.
Credits: for the vow day picture of Jason Vaz, SJ; and the Jesuit Vow Formula for the First Vows. http://www.jesuits.ca/Join_us/vow_day.php
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