Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back to Visiting Arvisu

San Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga, SJ (1901-1952, Chile)

I only have a number of minutes to compose this entry, I am actually in an Internet zone in the hospital where I could access my Blogger account more conveniently, for free. Good thing I have a laptop to use.

As some of the hispanoblantes have noted, I posted in my Spanish blog my visit to Arvisu, the prenovitiate house of the Philippine Jesuits in Quezon City. It was one of their open houses last Monday.

Admittedly though, I still find the difficulty of expressing myself fully in Spanish, because, beneath the simple words that I have typed in there, there lies a feeling of immense happiness and the yearning to seek Christ in everything I do, again. I think I have to write in English just to share how happy I really am right now.

Throughout the day there was an intense feeling within me, as we Filipinos call "kaba," throughout the hours preceding my visit. All the while I seem to palpitate, while listening to some downloaded material (a sermon in Spanish from St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ, the Chilean advocate of social justice) and thinking about God's will.

While on the way, many questions were in my mind. How is Arvisu, and how were the people now? It had been six months since my last visit. How are the friends to whom I have confided some reasons why I did not paid them a visit at an earlier time? How is my faith? Am I still called?

The visit somehow gave me insights on my own spiritual journey and how my questions can be answered. The visit did not directly give me the answers, but somehow paved the way for me to realize and meditate possible answers. I am still continuing to pray that I may always think of God, and how to please Him in others. Notwithstanding the roadblocks I encounter along the way.


Saint Alberto Hurtado, pray for us.


picture credit:

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