1) I am now an intern in the PGH. Enough said. :)
2) I learned Brazilian Portuguese and tried to practice it with someone half a world away. I even thought that that friendship would deepen, and become something else, after all I have been yearning for a relationship. But that did not prosper. God had other plans.
3) The third I will discuss at length here.
I joined a local charismatic community for single men and women. This was during a phase of my life that I have been very confused about the future, about my life, about what to do. This confusion has led to seeking for the wrong answers. I sinned. The busy schedule only made things worse. I was happy on the outside--cheerful to other classmates, caring to patients. But then I realized God is calling me to serve Him and to strengthen my prayer life. I decided to enter a local singles community by attending a Christian Life Program. Here's the thing: I was in a very busy schedule and I wasn't able to attend all the courses I needed to enter. They did grant me the chance to make the commitment to joining the community despite this, and I did enjoy the company of the brothers and sisters.
But admittedly, I feel I am driven to do something more.
I tried to bring my sister to this community, now she is pulling me to join another--the community of singles associated with our original charismatic youth community, where together we served God for the past eight years.
I am currently discerning whether to stay on with my singles community or to seek out a chapter of this singles community that my sister wants me to join.
I am currently praying hard, for a move like this may do give me a chance to serve God, but it may lead me to prioritize relationships over others...
Don't get me wrong. I really feel God is in work in me, and for once, I felt once again that God is taking control, far from the days I embroiled myself in serious sin. But right now I am at the crossroads. I do sense that God is telling me something -- the verse from Joshua 24:14 keeping ringing in my ears. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
I still do not know what this means.
To readers of this blog, please pray for me. I want to really serve the Lord in a way that would make me feel at home, and once and for all, make me feel empowered, without limits, without hindrances, only God Himself.
Fight the good fight of faith
People of God
Unstained and without reproach
Before the eyes of men
Run the good race, O sons
Of the most high
And inherit the crown of life
from the Lord Jesus Christ!